
Nz Multi Solution initial name was Nz Cyber Cafe, established on 1 July 2009 when it was named a cafe business and private computers. Nz Cyber Caffe when it had a business license number: 503/1648 / License / PK / XI / 2010. Nz Cyber caffe used to have a place of business is the rental.

Changed its name to Nz | Multi Solution from the date of August 1, 2014 when we had a place of business itself. NZ | Multi Solution is a place to learn the business, but it also nz multi-solution is a place to share knowledge. Knowledge of the business, online business, IT, computers, gadgets, and many others. It also can be made in a discussion forum about the things that have been mentioned earlier.

Dian Wardaya not a enterprainer but dreams of becoming a true enterprainer. But even though he was not enterrpainer, but he is a man of many skills. Expertise that he had them he was an expert in the fields of computer, networking, web design, online business affiliate business, graphic design, interior and exterior design. Permanent job is a junior high school teacher, but she also freelances in which he elaborated earlier.