How to Resetter Epson TX110 - TX111 in Software

After posting about resetter printer T11, I am posting again on the same topic that is about printers. Yesterday someone came to fix my Epson TX111, and I was puzzled to find reseternya. Understandably, the first time I fix this type of printer. TX110 and 111. Resetter Epson TX110 and 111 was yesterday asked by our friend Sheen, who was having trouble finding this resetter. Fine, just go to the main issues and discussion of the way

Resetter Epson TX110 - TX111 in Software

How to Resetter Epson TX110 - TX111 in Software
"Caution: This adjustment program similar to the virus that was detected as a virus by antivirus. Turn off your antivirus first for this program to be able to walk"
The first step must be already installed the printer driver. To download click download drivers printer and click scaner Epson drivers.
2. Download software resetter Epson TX110 - TX111 first. Software named Resetter Epson Stylus TX110 - TX111, you can download Click here  on the size of 3 Mbyte.
If your connection is slow I've split this into two parts resetter. Download it then extract and combine in a single folder. Here's the link:
***** TX110-1-TX111Epsonresetter***** TX110-2-TX111Epsonresetter
3. Date computer does not need to be changed as previously resetter.
4. Run the program resetter Epson TX110 - TX111 with double-click "AdjProg.exe", directly in "AdjProg.exe" because it "did not use the loader."
5. Then follow the following image:
"Initialization: used to reset or re-counter mengenolkan printer"
6. When finished turn off the printer then turn it on again. The printer will flame with a full green light. Means the printer Epson Stylus TX110 - TX111 that blink had been ready for use again.
Good luck ............ Hopefully Helpful ...... Comments awaited ...... Because this blog is very minimal comments, please help yaa ......

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